As business women, we are always wondering if we’re doing enough to reach our goals and attain our own versions of success.  There are countless articles online providing tips and tools for women to succeed in their careers.  Each lists the author’s personal experiences and some deep analysis about how, if you follow the listed tips, you are surely on the right road. Well, it’s often ...

As an attorney, I am always aware that the way I conduct myself professionally reflects on how my law firm, my law school, and my fellow attorneys are perceived out in the world.  Who wants to be the cause of another lawyer joke?  Not me!  But being an attorney is not my only identity.  I also happen to be a woman, a mom, and a lot of other things.

Female attorneys are doing amazing things all over the ...

While many of us may be aware that March is Women’s History Month, not many of us (including myself) may have been aware of its origins. So I did a little digging.

According to the Library of Congress, “Women’s History Month had its origins in 1981 when Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28 which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982 as ...

Diversity, equity, and inclusion has been the bedrock of our firm since we opened over 75 years ago. As we like to say, it is in our DNA. We believe that to foster diverse leadership and urge diversity of thought, we must do what we can to advance the conversation about diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging in the workplace and the communities in which our workplaces thrive. Through our blog, we share our insights from the perspective of both an employer and employee, regarding emerging issues that affect diverse leaders and workforces. We hope you enjoy our tidbits of legal and practical information, wisdom, and humor. Thanks for joining the conversation!


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