Posts tagged Sydney Leathers.

When I do harassment training, I ask my audiences whether they think employers should ban the "N" word even when it's used by African-Americans among themselves. In my experience, the African-Americans in the audience have been the most vocal advocates for treating everyone equally in this regard. In other words, they argue, the word should be banned for everybody -- not banned for some ...

You can't fix stupid.

Homo sapiens is fired for teaching about homophones (and his sister is a known thespian rumored to have dramaturgical aspirations). A teacher at a private language school in Utah says that he was fired by the director for posting about homophones on an educational blog, which the director allegedly believed was ...

Let's say your CEO fires a 53-year-old woman and says he's doing it because she's "old and ugly."

If she finds out about it, can she sue for age discrimination?

My guess is 100 percent of you would say, "What are you, stupid? Of course she can!"

"Have a social media policy? Chances are, it's illegal." Please join our webinar on Social Media and the NLRA: Common Problems and Best Practices

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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