Posts tagged Sarah Phaff.

The date for the U.S. Secretary of Labor to issue regulations establishing paid sick leave for covered employees of certain federal contractors is fast approaching.

Sarah Phaff
Sarah Phaff

By way of background, on September 7, 2015, President Obama signed Executive Order 13706, "Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors." The Executive Order requires certain federal contractors ...

Sarah Phaff
Sarah Phaff

The OFCCP's Final Rule on sex discrimination will take effect August 15. Are you ready?

On June 14, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs issued its Final Rule on sex discrimination. These new substantive regulations align with the latest legal developments and interpretations by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Cara Crotty, the head of ...

Today marks the launch of FOCUS, our firm's new blog for women leaders in the workplace (and their friends and supporters). The inaugural edition features posts by Sarah Phaff of our Macon Office on Women's History Month, and Heidi Wilbur of our Denver Office on Overcoming Stereotype Threats (and Butterflies).

FOCUS masthead

In addition to Sarah and Heidi, other editors and regular contributors ...

I'd like to thank Sarah Phaff of our Macon, Georgia, office, who wrote this post with me.

As one who presumably has no nude selfies, you may not be too concerned about a “hack” like the one that continues to afflict celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t still plenty of technology issues that an employer should look out for. Are you ...

If Joe tells co-worker Mary a dirty joke, Joe is probably in violation of the employer's no-harassment policy, right? And he risks being disciplined, or even fired, right?


But if Mary sues Joe for sexual harassment based on this one joke, her lawsuit will in all likelihood be thrown out of court, right?


That's because you can't sue over just any old thing, even if it's annoying ...

Do you believe Chris Christie?

I thought the Governor did pretty well in his press conference yesterday, apologizing forthrightly for the George Washington Bridge debacle*, and taking decisive action against the allegedly guilty parties who had not already tendered their resignations.

*The Governor's Deputy Chief of Staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, allegedly conspired with New Jersey ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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