Posts tagged President Trump.

President Trump has issued his new and improved "travel ban" Executive Order, which reduces the list of "banned" countries from the original seven to six (Iraq is now off the list), provides more of a rationale for banning foreign nationals from the six countries, makes exceptions Hot Dog Man.flickrCC.JeleneMorrisfor permanent legal residents and others, and otherwise addresses some of the issues that caused so many ...

Two Trumpian developments of interest to employers will occur on March 15, next Wednesday:

Julius Caesar.flickrCC.WilliamWarby
Look out!

Alex Acosta's confirmation hearing is scheduled to take place that day. Mr. Acosta is President Trump's nominee for Secretary of Labor, and is expected to have relatively smooth sailing. On the other hand, is there anything that has been "smooth" about the President's first months in ...

President Trump's address to Congress last night didn't have much on labor and employment issues, apart from the creation of jobs (which is no small thing and would be awesome if it pans out).

Ivanka Trump.flickrCC.RichGirard
Ivanka Trump

But he did mention "paid family leave," ever so briefly.

Credit (or blame) for the concept of paid family leave goes to the President's daughter Ivanka, herself a businesswoman and ...

The employment law week in Trumpland started out a little slow, but now we're back in business.

Acosta looking good for confirmation as Secretary of Labor. In contrast to nominee Andrew Puzder, the outlook appears good for his successor nominee Alexander Acosta. Mr. Acosta seems to have bipartisan support in the Senate, and has even been endorsed by the International Union of ...

President Trump's new nominee for Secretary of Labor is R. Alexander Acosta, dean of the law school of Florida International University in Miami. Before he became a law school dean, Mr. Acosta's experience included heading the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice under President George W. Bush. He was also a member of the National Labor Relations Board for about eight ...

Bloomberg BNA reports this afternoon that Andrew Puzder, President Trump's nominee for Secretary of Labor, IS going to withdraw from consideration. Please stay tuned! UPDATE (4:12 p.m. EST): It's now official.

Stove fire.flickrCC.StateFarmIns

(PS - I nominate Victoria Lipnic to take his place.)

Yesterday, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied the Trump Administration's motion to stay the temporary restraining order issued by a federal judge in Seattle. This means that the TRO, which blocks the temporary travel ban from taking effect, will remain in place. The Administration may seek review by all of the judges on the Ninth Circuit or by the U.S. Supreme ...

*EDITOR'S NOTE: This "daily" stuff has now officially become "more or less -- maybe once a week, anyway."

For background on the immigration issue, please see this bulletin and this follow-up, both by Will Krasnow and Jeanette Phelan of our Immigration Practice Group. The oral argument before a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit will take place by ...

Our new president has us all hopping . . .

Andrew Puzder's advocacy for franchises makes him a target. Dan Murphy and Jeff Rosin from our Franchise Industry Group talk about the Puzder nomination (he's Hot Dog Man.flickrCC.JeleneMorrisPresident Trump's choice for Secretary of Labor) and the groups seeking to block his confirmation. As we've noted a couple of times this week, Mr. Puzder's confirmation hearing, most ...

President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch is still looking good to me. I've now read his famous (among law nerds, anyway) concurrence in Gutierrez-Brizuela v. Lynch, in which he criticizes the Chevron doctrine. (Judge Gorsuch also wrote the majority opinion in Gutierrez-Brizuela, but his concurrence starts at pdf page 15.)

The Chevron doctrine, from a 1984 U.S ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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