Posts tagged Pay Gap.

The Washington Post "Fact Checker" column gave Two Pinocchios last week to the "79-cent Pinocchios Two.flickrCC.HeatherMpay gap factoid." That's the factoid that says women make only 79 cents for every dollar that men make. Debunking that dubious statistic has been my life's work.

And "factoid" was the Post's word, not mine!

I am not just a blogger. I am a prophetess.

Image Credit: From flickr, Creative Commons ...

This is too funny, and it ties in so well with my post on Friday about the EEOC's new "pay survey" proposal. I learned about the video from the Washington Post, but I'm linking to the YouTube version to ensure that no one is blocked by a pay wall. Enjoy!

Did you know that unequal pay causes depression and anxiety?

Neither do I. A recent study has received a lot of publicity after it found a correlation between relatively low pay and rates of clinical depression and anxiety disorders among those who were lower paid.

Guess what? The lower-paid, depressed/anxious people turned out to be predominantly female ...

If you're an employment lawyer or Human Resources professional who handles sexual harassment cases, or a federal judge who decides them (bless your heart!), you know there are a lot of "tares" mixed in with the "wheat."

What the heck is a "tare," anyway? Besides being the weight of packaging that is excluded when one calculates net weight, it's a useless weed, presumably rye grass.

These ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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