Posts tagged Passover.

No, not that kind of egg.

This kind of egg:

Eggs - human eggs, aka ova - have been in the news this week. First, it was announced that Facebook and Apple will begin offering insurance coverage for female employees to freeze their eggs for later fertilization and implantation, a procedure that can cost as much as $20,000. There are mixed feelings about this - on the one hand, some women ...

Do you believe Chris Christie?

I thought the Governor did pretty well in his press conference yesterday, apologizing forthrightly for the George Washington Bridge debacle*, and taking decisive action against the allegedly guilty parties who had not already tendered their resignations.

*The Governor's Deputy Chief of Staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, allegedly conspired with New Jersey ...

NOTE: Because of the holiday weekend, this will be our "Friday" post of the week. Happy Passover, Easter, or end of March, as the case may be!

"Hippity, hoppity, y'all!"

This is my third and final installment on equal pay -- at least, until I decide to talk about it again. My first post is here, and the second is here.

What is the one simple, cheap, and easy thing that an employer can do to minimize ...

Another set of FMLA regs, effective today! Par-TAY!

Last week I vented about the continuous congressional tweaking of the Family and Medical Leave Act, which necessitated the issuance of new FMLA regulations. Here is a copy of the new regs, which were published in the Federal Register on February 6 and take effect today.


Here are some links at the Department ...

With Easter and Passover almost upon us, what better topic than a new case on the ministerial exception to Title VII?

A federal judge in Ohio has recently refused to dismiss* a lawsuit brought by a former teacher at a Catholic school who alleged that she was let go because of her pregnancy. (The teacher was not married, and she alleged that she became pregnant through artificial ...

Poor Herman Cain.

Or, poor young women who used to work for him.

Right now, I'm not sure which because the allegations are murky and anonymous. OK, I do have an opinion, but I'm going to keep it to myself until we get more specifics.

This is not going to be a political post. It's about sexual harassment in the workplace and what employers can learn from Cain's problems, which he brought on ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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