Posts tagged Labor Relations.

With maybe some relief for employers.

A welcome decision for companies that use contract labor.

A preview of coming attractions!

Right to work goes down in defeat.

Not six feet under yet, but maybe 5'11"?

Here is a judge an employer can love.

Not really a surprise.

We have a new General Counsel at the National Labor Relations Board!

Must-see ConstangyTV! The September edition of ConstangyTV’s “Close-Up on Workplace Law” is on YouTube, and you will not want to miss it. Host Leigh Tyson talks with Jon Yarbrough about social media in the workplace, including social media horror stories and what employers can do about them, the restrictions that have been imposed on social media policies by the National Labor Relations Board, and how that might change now that we have a Republican majority on the Board. To save you a long, grueling trip to our YouTube site, here it is:

Trump’s 8 zillionth* travel ban: what employers need to know. President Trumpissued a new travel ban “proclamation” on Sunday, and the excellent Will Krasnow of our Boston Office has read it and explains it all for us in this Immigration Dispatch.

*I might be exaggerating.

Image Credit: From flickr, Creative Commons license, by Jelene Morris.

Law360 just reported that President Trump, as expected, has nominated Peter Robb of Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC to be General Counsel for the National Labor Relations Board. If confirmed by the Senate, Mr. Robb will succeed current General Counsel Richard Griffin, whose term will expire October 31.

I posted here about Mr. Robb not too long ago.

According to the Law360 article, the Senate vote on President Trump’s remaining NLRB nominee, William Emanuel, could be imminent, but now the President will have to find one more nominee — to succeed Republican Chairman Philip Miscimarra, who will be stepping down when his term expires in December.

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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