Posts tagged Jeff Nowak.

No exaggeration! Register now!

These will be good until August 31, 2021.

I hope you'll join me for one or more of the following events, coming up in the next couple of weeks.

Thank you all very much for helping elect us to the American Bar Association Blawg 100 for 2016. We were one of only five employment law blogs to make the list, out of approximately 4,000 blogs in all legal categories. Your support and your readership are greatly appreciated!HonoreeBadge

We had a lot of guest bloggers this year, and they also deserve credit for our success. So thank you very much (in ...

Thanks so much to all of you who elected Employment & Labor Insider to the ABA Blawg 100 for another year. We appreciate you more than you know.

I would also like to thank my colleagues who contributed posts this year and helped get us where we are today: Cara Crotty, Tommy Eden, Ellen Kearns, Marcia McShane,  David Phippen, and David Smith.

Congratulations also to fellow employment blog ...

From a labor and employment law standpoint, I'm not sure we have a lot to be thankful for this year. But 'tis the season, so here are a paltry few:

Be thankful that your employer doesn't fire you while you're on the air. Ben Finfer, co-host of a Chicago sports talk radio show learned that he was losing his job through a tweet that came through while he was on the air last week. Mr. Finfer ...

NOTE: I apologize for the delayed posting. Our blogging platform was having technical difficulties for much of the day on Friday, so I decided to wait until Monday to post this to make sure you saw it!

In my last post, in response to the bombings at the Boston Marathon, I talked about some ways that employers can prevent violence in the workplace and even avoid hiring the type of employee who ...

Another set of FMLA regs, effective today! Par-TAY!

Last week I vented about the continuous congressional tweaking of the Family and Medical Leave Act, which necessitated the issuance of new FMLA regulations. Here is a copy of the new regs, which were published in the Federal Register on February 6 and take effect today.


Here are some links at the Department ...

Here are the rules, as simply as I can state them:

1. If actual work is performed, you've almost always gotta pay. 99.99999 percent* of the time. This is so, whether the work is performed at the office or factory, at a customer's or client's site, at the employee's home, in the employee's car, in a hotel room, at McDonald's, in a parking lot, in a dark alley, ANYWHERE. And, yes, "work" can ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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