Posts tagged I'm Just a Bill.

ATTENTION, employers in New York! In January, Anjie Cabrera and Stephen Stecker did a comprehensive report on a number of new laws that had recently taken effect or would soon be taking effect in New York State and New York City. Among those was a New York State regulation that was Hot Dog Man.flickrCC.JeleneMorrisdue to take effect March 7, which imposed restrictions on payment of wages by direct deposit or payroll ...

Four quick thoughts on the Ashley Madison hack:

1. Should you post anything on the internet that you wouldn't want to see on the front page of the New York Times? "No" used to be standard advice, but that isn't practical any more. I do online banking, but that doesn't mean I want my financial information all over the internet. Nor my credit card information, which is stored with ...

A good reminder for employers about maintaining cybersecurity comes from a recent Washington Post article ("This is why the government keeps getting hacked" by Jeffrey Neal) about the breach at the Office of Personnel Management. Sometimes the simplest things can cause huge problems . . .

The lock on the door is irrelevant if users of a system fail to close the door. For example, agencies ...

I'd like to thank Sarah Phaff of our Macon, Georgia, office, who wrote this post with me.

As one who presumably has no nude selfies, you may not be too concerned about a “hack” like the one that continues to afflict celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t still plenty of technology issues that an employer should look out for. Are you ...

So what's the real deal with the Employment Non-Discrimination Act?

Yesterday's passage by the U.S. Senate, 64-32, of the ENDA, which would prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, does not mean that the ENDA will become the law of the land -- at least, not for now.

Media reports have, with some justification, focused on the historic facts that ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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