Posts tagged Federal law.

DEAR READERS: Before you accuse me of legal malpractice, take a look at tomorrow's date.  

Habit 1: Discriminate, retaliate, harass -- have a ball! There's a new sheriff in town, with a more employer-friendly, compliance-assistance-oriented U.S. Department of Labor (we think) and the nullification of burdensome regulations like the gone-and-not-lamented Fair Pay and Safe ...

The State of Missouri has now become our 28th right-to-work state, following closely after Kentucky, which took the leap about a month ago.

The Missouri bill was signed into law yesterday by Republican Gov. Eric Greitens, and is scheduled to take effect in August. However, the Missouri AFL-CIO has requested a voter referendum on the measure. If the union gets enough signatures, the ...

Kentucky became the 27th right-to-work state on Saturday. The legislation was passed by the Republican majority in the legislature, with no Democratic support. Republican Gov. Matt Bevin signed the bill on Saturday, and he's even made a video:

(What'll they think of next?)

"Right to work" means that an ...

Blind Justice.flickrCC.ValerieEverett
Pretend this is me.

As our regular readers know, Employment & Labor Insider is a non-partisan blog. But with the first Presidential debate coming on Monday night, I thought it would be helpful to look at the two major presidential candidates and their positions on issues of interest to employers.

The following comes from each of the candidates' websites, supplemented by some news ...

Wild, wonderful West Virginia is going right-to-work.

Republicans in the state legislature passed the Workplace Freedom Act and yesterday overrode a veto byWest Virginia postcard.flickrCC.NoeAlfaro Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin. Also yesterday, the West Virginia Republicans overrode Gov. Tomblin's veto of legislation that repeals the state's prevailing wage law.

"Right to work" is often confused with "employment ...

You're an employer who tries to do the right thing. But what hidden traps are out there, waiting to grab your ankle and yank you into a lawsuit? Here are a few that cause trouble for even the best employers:

Trap No. 5: Capturing all time worked for your non-exempt employees. We get so accustomed to exempt employees who answer emails at all hours and handle business while driving to and from ...

Over the next 10 business days, I'll have a series of short posts addressing common questions that employers have about the law. If there is an "FAQ" that you would like for me to address, please let me know in the comments box.

I may also have more in-depth postings as circumstances warrant.

Employer FAQ No. 2: "What does 'right to work' mean?"

As I've said in a previous post, "right to work" is ...

Plaintiff's lawyer Donna Ballman and The Evil HR Lady have had good posts recently on common employee misconceptions about employment law, including the "right" to see what is in one's personnel file and the "right" to take a break.*

*Depending on where the employee lives, he may have these rights, but in many states he does not. And the federal Fair Labor Standards Act does not require ...

Fingers crossed.jpg"This is an employment-at-will state, and I can fire you for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all." Technically, this is true in most states, but in effect it is a lie which employers rely on at their peril.

Suzanne Lucas of The Evil HR Lady has a post about an individual (sex not specified) whose employer offered him/her a different position in the company. When the employee ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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