Posts tagged EEOC v. LHC Group.

If your employee isn't a professional driver but spends a lot of time on the road, how "essential" a job function is driving for ADA purposes? Is driving "essential" at all?

Man Driving.flickrCC.MatthewWJackson
"Seriously? I spend 40 hours a week in my car, and you say driving may not be 'essential' to my job?"

In what I consider to be a very significant result under the Americans with Disabilities Act, a three-judge panel ...

Last week I heard David Lopez, General Counsel of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, speak about EEOC litigation developments at the annual North Carolina/South Carolina Labor and Employment Law conference.

The EEOC has been litigating like a house afire, so I knew you would want to hear what he had to say. Mr. Lopez - who reads this blog and likes it! - gave me permission to ...

Oh, no! I won't get equal pay until after I'm dead! And by then, I won't need it!

A study released this week by the Institute of Women's Policy Research says that at the rate we're going, women will not achieve pay equity until 2058.

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Actually, I think the IWPR is too optimistic about the closing of the pay gap in 2058. I predict that the pay gap will not be ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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