Posts tagged Documentation.

A handy guide on what not to do.

A lot has changed since Mother's Day 2023.

*And are sorry you asked.

The court is right, I think.

HR people, you know what I'm talking about.

Or almost everything.

Last week, I talked about why documentation is so important as part of an employer's legal defense.Fox with Quill Pen.flickrCC.Will

Today I'd like to talk about what good documentation should contain. Some of these are so obvious as to be almost ridiculous, but many supervisors and managers omit them. (Trust me!)

No. 1: It shows who wrote it. Remember when your fifth grade teacher gave you a zero on that ...

Da bomb.

Documentation. What a pain! You have so many more important things to do. But taking the time to document is a good practice that may save you a lot of grief later.

I know that most of you already know what I'm about to say, but you can share this with your "operations" management.

No. 1. Good documentation provides you and your managers with a record. That's a big deal in itself, and it ...

Dear Readers: Not that anything in this blog constitutes legal advice anyway, but before you accuse me of legal malpractice based on the following post, please notice today's date. Happy April Fool's Day! Robin

Many employers ask me: "Robin, what are your 'best practices' for workplace sexual harassment?" I'm glad you asked!April Fool's Day.flickrCC.OneWayStock

No. 1: Be sure that your policy on sexual harassment is ...

So you think you're ready to terminate an employee. Are you really?

Magic 8-Ball.flickrCC.WaiferX

Here are 20 questions that every employer should ask itself before going ahead with a termination. If you think I've missed anything, please feel free to add your own in the comments.


No. 1. Is the employee covered by a collective bargaining agreement? If so, make sure that whatever you do is ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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