Posts tagged Chick-Fil-A.

"There's no such thing as work-life balance." -- Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook.

I get the feeling that Sheryl Sandberg is a little conflicted. (Aren't we all!) She's written a book, coming out next month, entitled Lean In, which reportedly is a "call to action" to women to rise to the top of corporate ranks.

Among other things, Sandberg recommends marrying a ...

During this season of elections, including the ABA Blawg 100 list (OK, OK, I'm sorry! Today is the last day to vote for Employment & Labor Insider! Please? Thank you!), it seems to be a good time to talk about political discussions in the workplace. It's also on my mind because I was interviewed about that subject this week for an article that will appear in a soon-to-be published edition of ...

Wow! This story has it all.



Social media!

Was this guy's YouTube post "protected concerted activity"? You decide.

Adam Smith (no relation to that "invisible hand" guy), chief financial officer of biotech company Vante, went to a drive-through at a Tucson Chick-fil-A on Wednesday morning, ordered a free water, confronted the drive-through girl* about ...

I conducted harassment training this week for a client, and, interestingly, the attendees of all ages seemed to be more curious about age-based harassment than any of the other categories we discussed.

Meanwhile, there has been a debate on the internet this week that is of grave concern to us all.

No, I'm not talking about whether Mitt Romney committed an intolerable gaffe by criticizing ...

Here are some steaming hot employment law news items for this sweltering mid-July:

EEOC does nothing to protect actor wrongfully terminated because of arrest record. (NOTE: I'm being tongue-in-cheek here.) You have probably heard by now about the arrest of actor Fred Willard for alleged "lewd conduct" in an adult movie theater. Willard denies behaving lewdly apart from being in ...

I apologize for the late posting. Our blog server was having severe difficulties on Friday.

Four out of five doctors* agree: work-life balance is the most, to say the least.

*Made-up statistic.

Seriously, it is. Studies have shown that employees who have lives outside of work are healthier and more productive than those who don't. They are also more satisfied with their jobs and stay on ...

Everybody's thankful but us turkeys!

I have much to be thankful for, but as an employers' lawyer, not much in the legal arena. Mostly it's "well, that's bad, but it could have been worse."

So I won't dwell on that. Did you hear about the petitions being signed by employees of several large retailers, objecting to having to work on Thanksgiving Day? Hat tips to Marie Diamond, and to Ashley Lutz

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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