Posts tagged Channeling.

I don't know what to make of the study, conducted by business professors from the University of Michigan and Temple University, that purports to find a negative correlation between political conservatism among some law firm partners and the advancement of the careers of female attorneys in reporting to those same partners.

To put that in plainer English: According to this study

As our firm's Marketing Department likes to say, "Think before you tweet." A staffer at MSNBC was fired yesterday because of a tweet that started a political firestorm.

The story involves Cheerios, biracial families, the Republican National Committee and MSNBC. (Sounds like the start of a joke . . .)

Last May, there was a really cute Cheerios commercial involving a biracial family.

(I ...

My post last week on why the "gender pay gap" is mostly bogus generated a great discussion in the comment box. In the hopes of keeping it going, this week I'd like to talk about some of the discrimination or quasi-discrimination issues we do occasionally find.

That nasty remaining five percent or so* that can't be explained by personal choice.

*Completely unscientific percentage.

If your ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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