Posts tagged Bikinis.

The North Carolina General Assembly voted today to repeal the infamous HB 2 "bathroom law," and Governor Roy Cooper has signed the repeal into law. The law is very short. It repeals HB 2 and provides that local governments, and the state university and community college systems, cannot regulate access to multi-user restrooms, locker rooms, or changing facilities until ...

Thanks very much to the colleague who just sent me this. Gov. Pat McCrory (R) of North Carolina has signed Executive Order No. 93, which is somewhat of a backtrack on HB 2. Of interest to our readers in the employment community, the Governor declares that he supports restoration of the common-law cause of action for wrongful discharge based on violation of the state Equal Employment ...

NOTE: On January 15, this post was updated and one correction made (see "Nipped in the bud" and "Jury clobbers Catholic diocese," below). 

Happy New Year, everyone! While I've been out for the holidays, the courts and government agencies have stayed busy with employment law matters. Here are the developments that I thought were especially noteworthy:


Twenty states raised ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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