Posts tagged Apps.

The National Labor Relations Board recently came out with a new smartphone app, in iPhone and Android versions. The Board had an app a few years ago, but you had to pay for it, and if I remember correctly, the price was in two figures. Because I am a cheapskate, I never downloaded it. The new one is free, as a government app should be, and I tested it this week on my iPhone 4. It's not terribly ...

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How much do you really know about the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act? Here's a quick quiz:

Which of the following is an unlawful request for "genetic information"?

  1. "Our company requires a post-offer, pre-employment medical examination that includes a complete genotype. We will need to verify that you have all 46 chromosomes but no extras. And any mutations will ...
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What a year, am I right or am I right? Here is a catalog of the major employment and labor law developments from 2011. And, just to keep it entertaining, I've started off each month with a weird but true off-topic story that was in the news that month. Many thanks to Drudge Report archives for the strange stuff. Thanks also to Esquire magazine's annual Dubious Achievement Awards (sadly ...

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Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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