Posts tagged Andrea Peterson.

Game Over. Dunzo. Finito. Bye Felicia. These are things we can now officially say about the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Rule.

On Monday, President Trump signed a Congressional joint resolution of disapproval into law, officially invalidating the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Rule. Congress legislatively vetoed the Rule by using the Congressional Review Act, its new favorite tool ...

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Federal contractors were thrilled when Judge Marcia Crone issued a preliminary injunction in late October against President Obama’s Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order.

But Judge Crone’s decision did not block the entire rule. Although the preliminary injunction kept the bulk of the rule from going into effect, the portion requiring pay transparency took ...

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It's been a hectic week for me (I have a trial coming up), and so here are some links to employment law blog posts and workplace news items that I hope will entertain and edify.

5 Things Your Manager Doesn't Want You to Know. By the great Evil HR Lady, Suzanne Lucas. (Just to whet your appetite, the first is "I can't fire you.")

Can Employee Display a Confederate Flag on Facebook as Free ...

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Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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