Our 1,000th blog post! Yippee!

It seems like only yesterday . . . 

. . . it was October 25, 2010, when brand-new baby blog Employment & Labor Insider had its very first post. 

This post is our 1,000th!!!!!

Thanks so very much to all of my colleagues who contributed posts and helped us reach this point, as well as our firm head, Neil Wasser, who initially asked me to take this on, and our awesome Marketing Department led by Tori Whitaker, who have provided inspiration as well as technical and moral support throughout the years. A special thanks is also due to Kian Wint, who is responsible for our current visual design, keeps things running on the back end, and actually returns my panicked calls early on Friday mornings when things don't go quite the way I expect. (Bless her heart.)

And, of course, thanks most of all to you, our readers, who have kept us going all this time and without whom we would not exist.

Here's hoping for a thousand more posts. Heck, let's go wild and say 1,001!

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Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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