Happy Thanksgiving 2023!

Thanksgiving memes, just for you!

I am thankful for many things this year. Unfortunately, not a lot in the labor and employment law world. From that standpoint, the best I can say about 2023 is that it could have been worse.

Even so, this year I am grateful for a lot. In addition to my family and a bunch of other good things, and my clients, and the attorneys and staff I work with, I'm thankful that my firm has allowed me to keep this blog going for more than 13 years now, and especially to our fearless leader, Neil Wasser, who made the initial suggestion in 2010 that I start it.

(Oh, so it's Neil's fault! Now we know!

I'm also thankful for Christine Johnakin from our Marketing Department, who had to step into some big shoes in 2022 and has been a great ally and creative consultant. Also for her teammate Victoria Brown. And thankful for all the attorneys who contributed to this blog during the past year. In alphabetical order, they are Zan Blue, Obasi Bryant, sports law guru Chris Deubert, Sarah Phaff, and David Phippen. Thank you all, and please keep those posts coming!

Most of all, I'm thankful to you, Dear Readers, for continuing to patronize this blog. I will express my appreciation in this meager way by providing you with some memes that I hope will brighten your Thanksgiving Eve. 

Since this is an employment law blog, I have to start with one that is work-related . . . 

Umm, that'll be terrific.

All right, enough work. It's a holiday! Almost.

You don't say?

Ahh, life is good. And, speaking of cooking . . .

Does anyone know how to solve that problem? Please answer in the comments!

Awwww . . .

I hope you and your families all have safe travels (if applicable) and a wonderful Thanksgiving. See you next week!

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Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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