One more thing to be thankful for, the week after Thanksgiving.

What are you grateful for this year? Here is my list.

So, you don't want to be a sexual harasser at work? Good for you! Follow these dos and don'ts, and you should be in great shape.

The feds are talking about NLRB-EEOC coordination, an end to collection of compensation data, and an inflation-indexed salary test for the overtime exemption. Here's the scoop.

Your reviews of your employer may not be as anonymous as you think.

I hope you'll join me for one or more of the following events, coming up in the next couple of weeks.

We have a new General Counsel at the National Labor Relations Board!

According to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll published this week, 48 percent of working women believed they had been victims of sexual harassment in the workplace.

My reaction was, “Only 48 percent?”

*But were afraid to ask.

Welcome to our new website and media portal, and we appreciate your patience as we've been perfecting it! Here is a quick tour on the ways you can find our media and become a subscriber.

How much do you know about an employer’s reasonable accommodation obligations under the law(s)? Take this quiz and find out!

"Nice Accommodations!"

Question 1: Which of the following federal employment laws require reasonable 

accommodation, either by their terms or as courts have interpreted them over the years?

A. The Americans with Disabilities Act

B. The Family and Medical Leave Act

C. Title VII-religion

D. The Nursing Mothers Act

E. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act

F. All of the above

G. A, C, D, and E

ANSWER: G. The FMLA does not require reasonable accommodation, but all of these other laws do. And there is some overlap between the FMLA and pregnancy or disability accommodation because leave for pregnancy or disability can be a form of reasonable accommodation.

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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