We're on holidays/vacation until the new year and will not have any posts next week. We'll be back after New Year's.

My apologies to Clement Clarke Moore. Happy holidays!

You snooze, you lose, the court said. (In so many words.)

This bustin' on HR is gettin' me down, You got to quit kickin' HR around.

Welcome back to an old friend, and goodbye to one we wish we'd had longer.

The issue of whether Title VII prohibits sexual orientation bias will have to be resolved another day.

Wishing you a happy Hanukkah and the happiest of new years.

Here are some initial thoughts.

And did it with such grace! After all, she is Miss Manners.

A boss who grabs an employee's breasts without her consent is indeed guilty of sexual harassment.

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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