I'm sure by now you have all heard about the controversy that erupted after Slate columnist Aisha Harris suggested that Santa Claus be replaced by a "holiday penguin," which she perceived to be more inclusive than a rosy-cheeked white fat guy from up North.

And then Megyn Kelly of Fox News got in trouble for saying in response that Santa Claus was (1) a real dude and (2) a white dude.

At ...

Often, when I get a call about a termination, the employee's boss has been primed to fire for weeks and is at wit's end by the time I hear about it. My job, along with that of the Human Resources representative who called me, is to talk the boss down, at least long enough to provide fair warning to the employee and to document the problems.

But every once in a blue moon, I will get the other type of ...

Can a guy sue for sexual harassment?

I haven't read Archie comics in years, but as a kid, I loved the Riverdale gang.

America's typical teenagers. So clean! So wholesome!

Well, that's the fiction. Real life at Archie Comics Productions of Mamaroneck, New York, seems to be more like this 1954 MAD satire of Archie (WARNING: violent, criminal, and sexual innuendo that may be offensive to some ...

NOTE: Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no post on Friday. Happy Thanksgiving and happy Chanukkah! 


The following is a public service announcement. Only you can prevent your company from having a boring holiday party by following these six steps.

1. Let the wine flow like . . . wine! Alcohol should always be served at  company functions. One can never have ...

I'm sure you have heard that Thanksgiving Day and the first day of Chanukkah will occur on the same day this year, creating the hybrid holiday, "Thanksgivukkah." And, according to Buzzfeed (do they have any expertise on this subject?), the two holidays will not simultaneously occur again for 70,000 years. How about that!

In honor of the occasion, here are eight things in the ...

How much do you really know about employment medical examinations and the law? Let's find out!

1.      Assuming the results are not used in a way that violates the law, it is legal under the Americans with Disabilities Act to require a post-offer medical examination IF

A. The examination is job-related and consistent with business necessity.

B. The examination is narrowly tailored to ...

So what's the real deal with the Employment Non-Discrimination Act?

Yesterday's passage by the U.S. Senate, 64-32, of the ENDA, which would prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, does not mean that the ENDA will become the law of the land -- at least, not for now.

Media reports have, with some justification, focused on the historic facts that ...

One of my favorite categories on Twitter is #firstworldproblems. As the name implies, it's a bunch of tweets about problems that don't amount to anything but that drive us crazy in our ridiculously affluent, spoiled-rotten world.

Here is one I just made up, based on a true example from my life last night:

iPad Air goes on sale @ midnight - should I order online or go to AT&T store tomorrow ...


I am very sorry to say that Bob Janowitz, one of the founders of our Kansas City office, died on Tuesday, October 22, after a brief illness. Jano, a labor lawyer, had planned to retire (appropriately) next Labor Day. A link to his full obituary is here.

Partner Dan Murphy worked with Jano for many years and said, "There was only one Jano . . . he was funny, his laugh was infectious, and he ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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