Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez announced today that the U.S. Department of Labor has submitted a proposed rule on the white-collar FLSA overtime exemptions to the federal Office of Management and Budget, which means that the proposed revisions to the overtime regulations could be made public before long.

Although the specifics are not known at this time, the proposed rule is ...

Thanks to my law partner Jill Stricklin, who has this news about the EEOC's new pilot program. Jill is an employment litigator in Constangy's Winston-Salem Office and was also just named to the 2015 North Carolina Business Legal Elite for employment attorneys.

The EEOC began use of a new "Digital Charge" pilot program last Friday in the Charlotte, North Carolina, and San ...

Some employers really, really hate to fire employees. That doesn't mean they won't do it - but they'll do just about anything to avoid calling it what it is.

A few months ago, I wrote about "bogus RIFs" - when an employer tries to avoid "firing" an employee by claiming it's really a "reduction in force."

There's another kind of "alternative" separation called a constructive discharge.

Many of our long-time clients and friends remember our former law partner Mike Shershin, a labor practitioner. Mike died earlier in April after a short illness. We offer our condolences to Mike's wife of 41 years, Martha, and to the rest of his family and friends. The following is a statement from Neil Wasser, Chairman of our firm's Executive Committee:

It is with deepest sympathy ...

The SCOTUSblog has a live blog of the oral argument today at the U.S. Supreme Court in the same-sex marriage case of Obergefell v. Hodges, as well as links to the audio . . . just in case you're interested.

As our readers know, the EEOC filed two lawsuits last fall against private employers, alleging discrimination against transgender individuals: one case against a medical practice in Florida, and the other against a funeral home operation in the Detroit area.

And as I reported last week, the Florida case settled for $150,000 plus some training and other non-monetary terms.

NOTE: As I breathlessly reported last week, the EEOC has issued its long-awaited proposed rule on employer wellness programs and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (Here is a nicer copy than the one that was available then.) Brian Magargle, who knows a lot more than I do about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and the Affordable Care Act, and I are ...

Inquiring minds want to know!

In the context of a lawsuit brought under the Americans with Disabilities Act, a recent court decision says that "regular attendance" is an essential function of the job. But what is "regular attendance"?

Which made me think of this:

(I promise - this is neither a pro- nor an anti-Hilary Clinton post, but I couldn't resist the tie-in during this week of her ...

Law360 just reported that the EEOC has issued its long-awaited proposed rule on wellness programs and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The official version will be published Monday in the Federal Register.

I am out today and tomorrow to present some seminars, but I will have a full post on this as soon as I've had a chance to review. Meanwhile, here is a sneak peek of the proposed ...

Welcome to our newest attorneys, who have joined us since our initial expansion in early March:


In Atlanta, we welcome Tamika Nordstrom, Erica Mason, and Katie Kelley.

Fairfax-Metro Washington D.C.

Greetings and salutations to Theresa Connolly, who has joined our Fairfax-Metro Washington D.C. Office.

Kansas City

And we are delighted to have Evan Jarrold in our ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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