Employment law leftovers: Best of 2011, what's up for 2012, and resolutions

After a great holiday feast, isn't it fun just to eat the leftovers? Like a nice, cold roast beast sandwich with a wedge of leftover pie? Yum!

Here are some great labor and employment blog "leftovers" from the holidays that I hope you will enjoy as much as I did, followed by a few new year's resolutions for employers and employees. Please add to my list!

In case you were chillaxin' last week and missed it, here is a link to my 2011 labor and employment year in review. With President Obama's recess appointments (thanks to Eric B. Meyer of The Employer Handbook), it's already getting stale, so hurry up and eat!

More tasty cold stuff from around the internet:

The Evil HR Lady tells you how to know if you are the "Kim Jong Il" of your company. Funny, and good advice, too.

Daniel Schwartz of the outstanding Connecticut Employment Law Blog uses his Magic 8 Ball to let us know what to expect in the world of employment law in 2012.

And Donna Ballman of Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home uses the magic 8-ball app on her iPad to make her 2012 predictions from a plaintiff's perspective. Donna, you are so high-tech!

Philip Miles of Lawffice Space shares with us his Top 5 Employment Law Cases of the Week for 2011. If you ever wanted to know about "Crazy Bi**h Bingo" (and who doesn't?), be sure to check Philip out!

Here's a favorite from Jon Hyman of Ohio Employer's Law Blog: Resolve this year to properly handle no-fault attendance policies. Since the $20 million EEOC/Verizon settlement, this is more important than ever.

OK, is that tryptophan kicking in yet? But, wait! Don't get too comfy, because now it's time for some employment New Year's resolutions:

1. If I am an employer, I will make sure all of my supervisors and managers have harassment training this year. At a minimum, the training will cover harassment based on race, national origin, religion, disability, and age, as well as sex. If my state or company policy prohibits other types of harassment, I will be sure that those types are covered as well.

2. If I am an employee, I will refrain from using social media to bad-mouth my boss, my company, my co-workers, or my customers . . . even if the National Labor Relations Board says it's legal for me to do so.

3. If I am an employer, I will review my attendance, medical leave, and reasonable accommodation procedures to make sure that they comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If they don't, I will make the appropriate changes right away. No procrastination!

4. If I am an employee, I will show up for work on time every day unless I have a very good reason not to, and I will give my employer a fair day's work for a fair day's pay, with no "drama."

5. If I am an employer, and if I haven't done it recently, I will have a wage-hour audit in 2012 to ensure that my employees are properly classified as exempt/non-exempt, that the non-exempt employees aren't working off the clock, that I'm not violating child labor laws (especially if I'm in the food or hospitality industry), and that I don't have any employees whom I am improperly treating as "independent contractors." If it turns out that I'm doing anything wrong, I will promptly fix it. No dawdling!

6. If I am an employee, I will comply with my employer's rules about appropriate behavior at work, including but not limited to rules pertaining to honesty, harassment and bullying, and safety.

7. If I am an employer, I will make sure that I am in compliance with the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act, and in particular that I am providing the "safe harbor" language whenever I sent one of my employees to the doctor.

8. If I am an employer, I will re-familiarize myself with the concept of "retaliation" and consult with an attorney whenever an employment decision looks like it may be close to the line. I will not wait until after the damage has been done.

Ugh. And this post started out so nice. Please add any resolutions you think employers or employees should make this year. And a safe and prosperous 2012 to you all!

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Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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