How the Labor Board's Joint Employer Initiative Impacts Employers, Including the Franchise Community, Staffing Employers and Users, and Others
Thursday, August 21, 2014
1:00 p.m. EST (90 minutes)
Join Constangy lawyers to analyze and understand the impact of Labor Board General Counsel Griffin's recently announced "joint" employer initiative in the Browning Ferris and McDonald's cases. If the Labor Board re-defines the test for determining "joint" employer status under the National Labor Relations Act, it will affect employers in virtually every industry and segment of the economy. Those immediately impacted will include franchise operations, temporary services providers and users, PEOs and outsourced/subcontracting operations. We'll provide an introduction to:
- General Counsel Griffin's proposed new standard for determining joint employer status
- Timetable and steps for the proposed standard on becoming law
- Impact the standard will have under the NLRA (and whether or not the standard could ultimately be expanded to other laws and agencies)
- Steps to reduce the likelihood of a "joint" employer finding at your Company
- Action items you should be taking to prepare for increased labor organizing
- Why organized labor is desperate to make sure this and other Labor Board initiatives become law before 2016
Registration Fees: $25 - Per phone line
For information regarding this event please contact Kian Wint at